Restore the flow of positive energy throughout the body and stimulate the body’s natural self-healing process
is a complete medical system that has evolved over the past 5,000 years. It is a safe and effective method to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness. Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health and World Health Organization to be effective in the treatment of a variety of medical problems. Acupuncture promotes health by skillfully placing fine needles at specific points to manipulate the circulation of blocked Qi/energetic pathways throughout the body to rebalance and promote healing.
Cupping Therapy
traditionally, in ancient China, cupping was a form of a healing therapy that consisted of placing glass, plastic or metal cups on the skin with vacuum suction. This therapy increases blood flow to the surface of the skin removing disease causing toxins. The Increased blood flow to local areas can accelerate the body’s natural healing process and is also beneficial for various muscular pains.
is the use micro current on the body to stimulate specific acupuncture points. Modern technology had made it possible to transmit an electric frequency via an acupuncture needle to optimize the responsive effects. Beneficiaries include but are not limited to chronic muscle injuries such as Frozen Shoulder, Sciatic Pain, Tendinitis, and even Paralysis.
is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi, and maintain general health. It is a form of a heat treatment which stimulates specific acupuncture points of the body.
Ear seeds
are small seeds used to stimulate pressure points in your ear. They’re a type of auriculotherapy based on the same general principles as acupuncture. Your health depends on the smooth flow of Qi (energy) in your body; Ear seeds are placed on certain points to help clear up any Qi blockages and promote health & healing. Ear seeds can magnify the effects of acupuncture points and can be used as a standalone treatment, or as support for a treatment. Ear Seeds are used to help relieve back pain, neck pain, weight loss, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia, depression, stress and many other conditions.